
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Same-Gender Attraction

Do you know, clearly, how the prophets understand this issue?

In light of yesterday's ruling, I feel a need this morning to reiterate the invitation I made in my last post. Please take 30-minutes to review the Church's position - presented in the form of an interview with Elder Oaks and Elder Wickman - on and understanding of same-gender attraction.

Here's the link:

Another good resource is True to the Faith, pages 29-33, under the topical heading of Chastity.

Please read and pray about these statements. Pursue your own understanding, and stand by the prophets.

I feel strongly, as I said before, that it is very important that we understand the doctrine and truth behind this issue. As the Church's public statement notes, this ruling represents "only the opening" of a vigorous (and likely prolonged) debate on the definition of marriage and the cultural acceptance of homosexual behaviors.

When this life is finished and our eyes are opened and we review our lives, I think that in that retrospect our own mortal short-sightedness will be, then, painfully obvious. The fact that God had revealed, all along the way, his mind and will to prophetic leaders will also be clearly obvious. I imagine we'll regret having leaned on our own understanding when it was in contradiction to the words of the prophets.

I invite you to be wise, to receive the truth, to take the Holy Spirit for your guide, and to be not deceived. (D&C 45: 57)

As always, this post does not reflect any official position or declaration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm solely responsible for all content on this site.

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